Log Post: Using the CTD to Calibrate the Multibeam Sonar

We have arrived at the Ontong Java Plateau and to properly map the seafloor we needed to know more about the physical characteristics of the water above it. To do this, the science crew typically deploy a CTD rosette (array). CTD stands for conductivity, temperature, and depth. Since the electrical conductivity of water relates directly … Continued

Page: Water Sampling Carousel & CTD

R/V Falkor (too) hosts a Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) rosette system for characterizing physical and chemical parameters of the ocean. It carries a Sea-Bird Electronics 911plus CTD system on a rosette carrying 24 twelve-liter Niskin Bottles. CTD sensor configurations are customized for each cruise requesting CTD use and may include: Two temperature sensors (SBE … Continued

Page: Operations & Science Systems

We combine advanced science with state-of-the-art technology to achieve lasting results in ocean research, to catalyze sharing of the information, and to communicate this knowledge to audiences around the world. We foster a deeper understanding of our environment. View Operations  |  View Science Systems Operations Research Vessel Falkor supports the following operations: Over-the-Side Deployments Deployments … Continued

Log Post: Colored Lines – Decyphering the CTD Code

The science team onboard Falkor are deploying CTDs during the voyage to determine physical, chemical, and biological properties of the water column. This information is used to calculate accurate water depths for our multibeam echosounder data and also characterizes the water masses in our study region. For example, between Pohnpei and the two atolls, we … Continued

Log Post: Backstage

As the CTD rises out of the water, we line up in the hallway, donning life jackets and ensuring all of our bottles are properly labeled and ready for samples. We watch Lead Marine Technician Leighton Rolley secure the CTD and wait for the signal that it is safe for us to enter the starboard … Continued

Log Post: CTD’s Away!

Our first day of sailing consisted of voyage preparation. This included tying everything down and expecting the worst sea conditions.

Log Post: Lars & the Real Gannet

Another good day today.  I was up at 5am to join in with a CTD cast designed to land right over the hottest chimneys that we had mapped out at the Piccard hydrothermal field in 2012: at the Beebe Vents mound. To avoid unnecessary wear and tear on the engines we avoided using our Dynamic … Continued

Log Post: Underway CTD’s – The Struggle is ‘Reel’

Although our expensive new robots can cruise underwater for days at a time, setting them up for their most scientifically valuable missions begins with compiling data to form a picture of the oceanic feature we are trying to study. Satellite altimetry shows us differences of tens of centimeters above or below the average sea surface … Continued

Log Post: Making Time for the Time Series

The Mixing Up the Tropical Pacific cruise is focused on obtaining data that reveals small-scale mixing in the central equatorial Pacific. To do this, the team is creating a time series using relatively shallow (500m) CTD and LADCP casts. These instruments are deployed every three hours to capture temporal changes in temperature, salinity, and current magnitude/direction. … Continued

Log Post: A Delicate Life Balance for Deep-Water Microbes

On July 24 and 25, researchers and the crew aboard R/V Falkor cast the Conductivity, Temperature and Pressure Rosette (CTD) to depths of 5,000 and 4,300 meters, respectively. The CTD casts took place about 300 miles east of Nova Scotia in some of the deepest parts of the Atlantic Ocean.  R/V Falkor ventured into waters … Continued